YAY Network Rebrands to Focus On Helping Investors and Entrepreneurs

YAY Network
2 min readFeb 22, 2023


We are thrilled to announce that we have finalized our rebranding process as YAY Network and launched our new domain. This move comes after months of restructuring our vision and team, and we are excited to share our new business direction and strategic placement.

Our shift from a gamefi/play-to-earn exclusive model to fundraising and acceleration has led us to focus on B2B directions and sustainable revenue streams. We have launched several new business units to support this, including Marketing & Growth, Advisory & Business Development, and Lead Generation.

Besides working on the scalability of YAY Network, our Marketing & Growth team will assist new projects in growing and building their communities, while our Advisory and business development team will provide support on strategy, revenue generation, scalable token economics, and attracting Venture Capital firms and angels. With a focus on web2 and web3 businesses, our Lead Generation team will help projects to scale their B2B sales by automating their process and generating multiple potential clients per week.

In addition, we have made updates to our core product, the launchpad, which will now be open to all types of tokens and NFTs. We have incorporated a brand-new user experience, google calendar integration, new whitelisting mechanics, additional benefits and rewards for staking YAY, a loyalty program, and increased due diligence requirements. We expect to launch the first MVP by Q2 2023.

“I have never stopped believing in YAY, even though everyone else was in disbelief and disagreement. I understand I’ve made mistakes, but I have learned from them. This was a big and expensive lesson, but we move on and keep building. I have never been so excited about our future and bullish on our new business model and technology.” — Guilherme Jovanovic CEO

About YAY Network

YAY Network is a fundraising and accelerator platform for web3 businesses looking to scale their B2B sales. With its focus on B2B directions and building profitable revenue streams, the company offers a range of services including marketing & growth support, advisory & bizdev, and lead generation.

Do not miss your chance to join us on this journey. Follow us on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.



YAY Network

YAY Network is a fundraising and accelerator platform for web3 businesses looking to scale their B2B sales.