YAY Games Monthly Recap — Review for August

YAY Network
3 min readSep 2, 2021


With yet another month in our rearview mirror, it is time to share August’s most significant developments with our community.

The preparation for the Initial Decentralized Offering (IDO) of the $YAY token has been one of our main focal points for this month. So far, the success of both our pre-sales and IDOs have exceeded our wildest expectation. We are incredibly pleased that the release of the $YAY token is being met with such overwhelming enthusiasm by our investors and partners.

Speaking of partners, we have also made great strides in terms of networking. The commitment to building and migrating our platform on Avalanche (AVAX), in particular, has proven itself a crucial strategic decision.

Read below to access all the information regarding YAY Games’ developmental milestones of August.

General Milestones and Community Growth

Our growing community continues to motivate us to deliver the best GameFi platform in the market. We are thankful for all of the support and growth registered during this month:

  • Medium: 21,000 followers
  • Twitter: 53,000 followers
  • Telegram: 34,000 members

The figures above reveal an impressive 67% increase in our overall social media following. To give back to our community, we are pleased to inform you that the results of our Airdrop contest were announced this month. We have several more contests and incentives prepared, so stay tuned for the next one.

YAY Games Pre-sales & IDOs

Both the pre-sale and IDOs for our $YAY token have been an astounding success. Our IDO on Poolz Finance sold out within the first 0.5 seconds, proving to be the fastest sale to date on Poolz. If you feel left out, don’t worry, there are still two IDOs left.

Following the increase of the initial raise amount for the Avalaunch IDO, we have decided to reschedule the date to Saturday, the 4th of September. Note that there is no rush to participate, as the second IDO on Superlauncher was also rescheduled for Monday, the 6th of September.

Major partnerships

August was full of new developments in terms of networking and new partnerships. Our GameFi ecosystem will heavily benefit from the integration with the AVAX blockchain, both in terms of speed, scalability, and connectivity with other DeFi protocols.

Beyond that, the decision to build and partner with AVAX has created a chain reaction, ultimately leading us to our IDO on Avalaunch and the most recent honor of being selected among a list of blue-chip DeFi projects for the $180M Avalanche Rush Program.

About YAY Games

YAY is a decentralized gaming marketplace designed for gamers, traders, and farmers that merges the gaming sector with decentralized finance.

YAY, at its core, is a gaming marketplace platform that is introducing multiple games in a decentralized way, utilizing blockchain technology to diminish the gap between games and decentralized finance.

We bring the regular gamer into the blockchain by adding innovative in-game mining mechanics, farming pools, and non-fungible tokens to casual games. Thus, rewarding the user based on the number of games played, achievements accomplished, tournaments, and more.

Do not miss your chance to join us on this journey through the blockchain. Follow us on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium.



YAY Network

YAY Network is a fundraising and accelerator platform for web3 businesses looking to scale their B2B sales.