YAY GAMES and Creo Engine partner up for an upcoming IGO

YAY Network
2 min readFeb 11, 2022


The Initial Game Offering (IGO) train is going all steam, we are happy to announce a new IGO coming to ZEUS during the current month. On 18th of February we are going to conduct the CREO ENGINE Private Sale. To learn more about CREO Engine you can follow all their links below:

About Creo Engine

CreoEngine is a platform that connects game developers and players around the world under its healthy blockchain ecosystem. In addition to that, CreoEngine also provides high quality Play-to-Earn (P2E) video games for players to enjoy

On the platform, players can play fun and addictive video games while learning at the same time. All Creo Engine games are intertwined with each other, allowing players to use their assets and materials in multiple games.

The project seeks to achieve quality, convenience, and a large platform for gamers to use the accumulated resources and materials in different games, increasing interoperability between gaming projects and saving significant time for players.

About the Sale

There are two main pools through which the new Creo Engine IGO comes to ZEUS: Heroes and Muses. The total raised for the Private IGO will be $100,000.

To join the sale stake your $YAY by following the link: https://yay.games/stake


🗓 Dates: February 18th, 2 PM UTC

Allocation size: $100,000

Heroes pool: 40,00%

Muses pool: 60,00%

Heroes Pool: 100 Places

Tier 1: 25 Places 600$ per member

Tier 2: 25 Places 500$ per member

Tier 3: 25 Places 300$ per member

Tier 4: 25 Places 200$ per member

Muses Pool: 600 Places

$100 Allocation per member

About YAY Games

YAY Games is a decentralized game publisher that aggregates a wide range of games focused on Play-2-earn, NFTs, and DeFi.

As the ultimate GameFi brand, YAY Games also works as an Incubator thanks to its Initial Game Offering (IGO) Platform “Zeus” — allowing top gaming projects to have access to the expertise, large community, and sophisticated game mining architecture.

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YAY Network

YAY Network is a fundraising and accelerator platform for web3 businesses looking to scale their B2B sales.